jueves, 22 de enero de 2009


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On Wednesday, 21 January 2009.
This is a picture of iceberg. The iceberg in the picture is a one big freest
This a picture is in Antartica.
The iceberg in the picture is very big.It is in the middle of the sea in a few low temperatures below 0.


The continent of Antarctica is warming up in step with the rest of the world, according to a new analysis. Scientists say data from satellites and weather stations indicate a warming of about 0.6C over the last 50 years. Writing in the journal Nature, they say the trend is "difficult to explain" without the effect of rising greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, scientists in Antarctica say a major ice shelf is about to break away from the continent. The Wilkins Ice Shelf is said to be "hanging by a thread" from the Antarctic Peninsula, the strip of land pointing from the white continent towards the southern tip of South America.

3 comentarios:

Xiiion's place dijo...

Your blog is like Agusti's example.
The summary is interesing.


see'ya iviii!

ByLaura dijo...

Missing link!

You have to do as the Mister LLoberas.


lorena dijo...

the information is good and clear
your blog is like agusti's example